Anyone with a heart and a conscience shares your horror -- and sadness -- for the innocent victims of this endless tragedy, both Israeli and Palestinian. I almost lost my own life during a savage exchange of gunfire between East Jerusalem and Ramallah in 1992. Three decades later the mindless blood-letting has only grown worse, and entrenched religious fanaticism on both sides leaves little hope for peace anytime soon. --Frank

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Another ignorant little person with his heart in the wrong place.

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Hamas knew damn well what Israel's response would be: bombing Gaza. So they are sacrificing their own people to make Israel look bad. Nothing could be more evil than that. I'm no pal of Netanyahu but I hate Hamas with all my heart.

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Thank ypu dear Leah for your always sensitive understandings of our fellow persons!!

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How to educate a person out of his horrifying point of view? I think what you said was as good as it could be. But that man needs a lot more time on the subject. A LOT more. Or maybe he’s got a young relative to shame him out of his stupidity. One comment can have a big effect. I know, I have sons who do it to me regularly.

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His comment was the expression of an old antisemitic trope. Thoughtless, smug, resonant of Nazi rationales! I think you said exactly the right thing. Enough to express your dismay/disapproval in a way that may inspire his self-reflection. I want to imagine the next time your paths cross, he says, "Yes, you're right. That was terribly cynical." If I were to let myself be cynical (and political motivation is practically the only subject where I do), I'd say that Bibi has seized the moment, the failure, the shock, the brutal invasion to wield this cumulative human misery to his own personal advantage. KILL, KILL, KILL, it is the people's will!

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I can't make sense out of his comment.

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Anti-semitism in it’s purest form.

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Nit to come if as cynical, but I think he had it coming

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Very dark 😢

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