
So touched by your wonderful note! Painting or no painting, hope we can meet for a cup of tea in the fall Xxxx

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Jun 30, 2023Liked by Leah Garchik

My ranch-cat turned house cat, Jack Henry, living with friendly but older person as roommate, who does get to go out, would love a playdate with Greenberg. J-H gets lonely (I toss balls but don't romp) since no cats come to visit, and he just loves it when Rufus from downstairs (golden doddle) stops off for a romp up and down the hallway from time to time. Owner and cat would be friendly, warm and welcoming. Forget those groupies in the park.


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Thanks, Sandy, and welcome home!

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So great that you responded and shared the pain. Still, those dogs give us more pleasure than grief. When do I get to see you?

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Dear Greenberg: To paraphrase Groucho Marx, ""You should refuse to join any club that won't have Leah as a member."

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I was hoping the “others” with their perfect dogs turned out to be a group of Trump cultists.

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Terrific, Leah, That HS popularity business is tricky. I know people claim to love HS, but it's really hard to believe when you're in daily competition for things that are usually unimportant. 'Outcaste' or nearly is what I think all artists can identify within themselves. Yes, I like the Groucho quip, too, but it doesn't totally resolve the pain of cliquishness. As some consolation, keep in mind what they're missing! Not only an excitable but charming pooch --- but a chance to know you!

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Always love reading about your walks. I feel like I'm there with you.

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Always a pleasure dear Leah!! And I agree with Frank!! Thank you, xx Sandy

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oh, greenberg. oh, leah. i'm smiling and tearing up in exquisite recognition and identification.

thank you for such a beautiful essay <3

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Leah: Funny but serious— my dog Dobby has similar problems stemming from his “reactivity” with other dogs. It makes me sad that I had to decide we can’t go to the dog park anymore because some old ladies with frou-frou dogs (my term for fluffy tiny guys who are treated like little human babies) get upset because Dobbs likes rough play. Rossmoor is full of the froufrous. Dog-owners can be snooty and cliquey, especially breed- specific groups. I do feel that D is getting mopey and needs more social time. I am working on acquiring a suitable kitty so Dobbs can have a playmate, but that’s not an easy thing either. A second dog is probably a better solution but I don’t feel up to that….

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A touching, wonderful piece of writing Leah. Thank you. I will never watch a dog-romp again in the same way.

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I love Greenberg. :)

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Please return to New York, Leah. We have dogs, dog parks, friendly humans and treats. Especially in Riverside Park.

In fact, just yesterday, I ran into a man who turns out to be the only person in Manhattan who doesn’t own a dog. ;)

I’m a San Franciscan and a New Yorker. We do it better in Gotham.

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Greenberg is welcome to come to Sausalito and play with Rocky and Rio

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Fabulous article, Leah!!!!

I love the First Amendment for dogs--I will remember this important fact when Cowboy can't help himself.

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